HK Builds His Nest

HK Builds His Nest

Monday, January 30, 2017

HK at the end of the day

I located HK near the end of the day in a cypress tree. He took off and circled.
And grabbed at a fish down stream.

He disappeared for a while but suddenly reappeared for this nice flyby.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sterling on top

I found HK and Sterling on the cell tower. Suddenly Sterling hopped down and this time she was on top of HK! Being a dominant female, I guess.

Afterwards, they regarded each other. That's Sterling on the right.

HK few down to the Osprey nest tower and picked up a stick in his mouth. He transferred it to his talons in mid air. This was really beautiful to see. He delivered it back to the cell tower.

I left the pair of them there.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

HK and Sterling: Afternoon Delight?

I had been watching HK on a tower.

He flew and suddenly a second eagle appeared on another tower. I drove over there and discovered it was Sterling. They mated or bonded whatever you want to call it.  Very exciting!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

HK Photo Op!

After a couple of failed attempts to find  HK today, I finally located him finishing up a meal in the nest tree.

  He feaked his beak, then flew to a nearby tree.

He walked a branch.

Then feaked his beak several more times! Must have been a messy meal!

He did some preening.

But basically sat around looking gorgeous on a sunny afternoon.