HK Builds His Nest

HK Builds His Nest

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A surprise to find HK on one of his favorite towers. This one is within sight of his nest, from his perspective. The Osprey have been active, so HK sightings will begin to diminish.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

A "baby" Eagle visits Honey Bee

I had heard from a friend in the area that a young eagle had been a frequent visitor.  I went to check today and did find this immature Eagle perched in a tree.

It did not stay long but did provide a nice flyby.

This was the only Eagle I observed.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

HK in the Nest

Another opportunity to document HK in his Honey Bee nest. He was there for about 1.5 hours while I was there and was still there when I left for the day.

HK landing.

HK almost making eye contact. 
HK feaking.

HK in motion.